Nawfal, Morocco

Nawfal calls it ‘air therapy’, when the wind is blasting off his helmet as he cruises along the Mediterranean coast or climbs the ribboning roads of the Atlas Mountains on his motorbike. Nawfal has traveled to every corner of Morocco on his motorcycle, and although he is based along the coast in Agadir, his heart is in Marrakesh. He swears it’s the ‘combination between history and modernity that is just so mesmerizing. Nawfal plans his trips like he rides his bike, each trip a delicate balance between enthralling and attentive while taking care to leave a positive impact on his beloved homeland. When the helmet is off and the laptop is packed away, Nawfal and his team share their positive vibes with two local NGOs they have been supporting for years. One provides education, employment, and safe accommodations for single mothers, and the other provides housing and care for the elderly.

Travel to Morocco